Bats are a part of life here, and with the young podding, the odd one or two fall from the rafters or get left behind by mum, hopefully (doubtfully) temporarily. They drop from the gap above the Aga into the kitchen where the warmth lulls them stupid, or their mothers fly into the bedroom, just missing the bat entrance to the roof by inches. I have seen three youngsters in varying stages of development in the past fortnight. They are strange creatures, truly prehistoric in their ugliness and fascinating in their otherness. I think this is a young
pipistrelle, no more than an inch long, completely bald and clinging to the green oak cladding of the outdoor stairs, awaiting mammary
satisfaction and a furry back to climb on. I hope this bat baby
finds what it's looking for.
I double-clicked on your picture to see it full size. What a brute! Glad it's less than an inch long in real-life'.
Can see why you're attached to your camera.
Oh, bless! He's so ugly, he's beautiful. My sister has bats in her attic (I always knew she had hats in her belfry, but that's another story). She hated it at first but couldn't get rid of them because they are protected. She's quite fond of them now though and watches them as they fly out through a tiny hole every evening at dusk.
This is truely amazing. Nature is just fantastic to watch and behold.
Sara from farmingfriends
I love bats.
He looks rather as if he has appeared from a hammer House of Horror film ..
I've never seen one up so close before - really strange! Rather cute though.
Cute but not as cute as me 7 week old kitten, Paddy.
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