Sunday, 29 August 2010

The dream bread oven

SO exciting. After years of wishing and thinking and reading, it was determined that this week would be the week to build a clay bread oven. No fancy schmancy purchased stuff, but all built from stone and clay from the farm. It's not finished quite yet - the door needs to be carved, the sand former scooped out and the lime render clarted on, but the majority of the work has been done. It's a huge clay tit. It's monstrous. It's wonderful. And I must be patient and let it dry out before we fire it up and stick in some pizza and bread and cake and lamb and.....
I had absolutely nothing to do with this, by the way, other than offering my gleeful mud-pie lovin' husband many positive comments and cups of tea. I've been busy preserving stuff from the veg patch to take us through the winter, not that you'd notice any diminution of the produce in the garden.
I will try to get rid of that irritating advert across the slideshow - bear with me - bear, not bare...


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Bare sounds better... Nice to see there is still clear division of labour down in Devon with menfolk doing the hard graft while women polish their re-enamelled Agas and make chutney whilst listening to repeats of "The Archers".

Mopsa said...

Huh! I'd have been sent off site if I'd interfered with THIS dream project. And he's the one who polishes the Aga. I'm the atheist slut, remember? And feel free to take over my farm chores any day...

Mopsa said...

garfer has left a new comment on your post "The dream bread oven":

Rock 'n' roll! I want a wood fired pizza oven so much I'm wetting myself. I'll need a Naples Camorra Ganster Momma to oversee installation though, it's compulsory.

Sorry Garfer - deleted your comment instead of publishing - but her it is, and yes, I want one of those to to make da pizza!

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Our house came with a bakehouse with its own bread oven and, five years on, we still haven't made bread in it, despite the fact that we make bread every week. I love the description of yours though!

Scriptor Senex said...

Wow - that is exciting. I bet the first loaf will taste better than any you've had before.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

It's amazing. You are so creative!

Eurodog said...

Waw, I am impressed.
I am sure the bread will taste like bread.

mountainear said...

That's a proper oven. We (not really 'we' - Alan) made a piazza oven last year but olny clad a terracotta 'bee hive' in stone. Looks the business and makes a mighty fine pizza nonetheless.

Re the irritating cartoon critters - try going into the html of the Slide code you paste in. A little trial and error should let you remove it. It's just finding which bit....

Around My Kitchen Table said...

I'm in awe! Bet the bread tastes awesome too. See! I'm so impressed I've started to talk like an American teenager!

Mopsa said...

Hi Elizabeth - lucky you - time to try it out I think!

SS - it's nearly dried out so I hope we'll be finding out soon.

Welshcakes - that compliment should go to the OH!

Eurowoof - I certainly hope so!

M'ear - I tried deleting each chunk a bit at a time and never found it :(

AMKT - well gee whizz, it's pizza!