In a week of global despair, murder, grief and bloody madness, the fripperies of life can save you from entering a permanent gloom. When the weather is as gorgeous as this you can feel guilty for not being part of the
Virginian mourning, but I refuse. Some love their
thongs, but I love my bras and it's time to renew the stock. I will browse at length through my
Bravissimo and
Rigby and Peller catalogues and pick something perky, something lacey and something pink so that it's spring on the inside as well as the outside. It may all be covered up by my best holey farm clobber, but underneath I'm a paeon to womanhood and girly self-indulgence. The pigs can't see it, but they'll know from the (nattily controlled) bounce in my step that things are fine for the time being. It might even take their minds off the state of my feet.
You big girlie!
Thats me!
Dear Mopsa, I reckon a visit to Rigby and Peller can be a life-changing experience. As ‘foundation garments’ go (sorry to sound like your mother) the bras are definitely worth the money. However, I have always baulked at paying for the matching knickers - but then, I am not French. I believe French women view the wearing of non-matching underwear as a crime on a par with murder and theft. I hope the pigs appreciate your efforts.
I understand completely my dear. one of the compensations for being up north is sadie the bra lady mopsa. There's nothing better when posing for magazine photoshoots in suitable downshifting attire, or gingham grunge as it's sometimes known, to know that one is suitably supported underneath, even if not supported by one's husband, sigh
DM - the pigs are pure appreciation - and yes, the price of knicker thing brings me out in an M&S raised rash.
Rilly - Sadie is a new one on me - ta for the tip - sadly Thirsk is a very long way from Devon and buying on-line just aint the same!
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