There was much rejoicing at the news that just one experienced ewe was having triplets. None of this bonkers multiple birth stuff that happened last year, then.
Lots of doubles for the more mature gels and almost all singles for the first-timers, which is just how it should be.
Those with singles have been split into a separate field from the doubles and triplet bearing mums, so the latter can receive a bit more grub.
Now I know exactly how many lambs could be born, I feel increased pressure to do whatever I can to see them through to life, but there are no guarantees. At least I won't have to poke about wondering if a ewe has dropped her full load. But of course, these things aren't failsafe.
A whole month since I saw snowdrops in London, they have finally bloomed in Devon
Good luck with it all. Such a heck of a lot of had work in store for you. You must be exhausted every spring but it must be worth it if you keep doing it! I don't mean financially, but that you have been born to it somehow. Can't wait for the pics of new born lambs,
Hi Mopsa, hope all goes well with you and the ewes!
Is that your own snowdrop photo? It is lovely - especially when seen in enlarged format. Snowdrops represent hope - hope for your ewes and their lambs and hope for peace, prosperity and good health in the year ahead.
Thank you MOB, but it is both exhausting and a joy.
Ta Swearing Mummy!
YP, yes, it is one of my photos, taken about 200 yards from the house down the lane. So pleased you liked it.
One of the most frustrating things here, is finding someone who will scan goats. We have a (with experience) it tells us who is definitely pregnant it's nigh-on impossible to tell who's carrying how many kids/lambs.
My vet assures me he knows of a brilliant local scanner; however every time I inquire for the number he's forgotten to root it out for me - again.
At this rate the girls will have all kidded/lambed before we get it done: far from ideal as at least with a scan it gives you an idea of the individual treatment & nutrition for each lady. Grrr....!!
LFD - how frustrating. And is your vet always that disorganised?
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