So it's bleak out there. No leaves, no colour, a washed-out time of year. I mostly leave the camera behind when walking the dog. But yesterday I took it with me to take a snap or two of the new fencing that will keep the sheep off the newly laid hedges and reformed Devon banks.
And as I looked mournfully at the greys and shadows, a small splash of orangey red beamed back at me.
There are also huge bonfires to be lit to get rid of the scrawny cuttings leftover from the hedgelaying that are no good for the woodburners. The world is a cheerier place.
And it's Ground Hog Day!
I think we are all suffering from qinter blues
I spy colour in the red flash of the Great Spotted Woodpecker, gold and green on finches, blue on the wings of jays. Thank goodness.
"Washed out time of year" is part of the rich panoply.
Yes, it may still be chilly but Spring's definitely on the way - YIPPEE! Great to find out you're on Twitter - I'm following you as Mumsmuddyveg!
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