He is a young chap, and this was his first (and hopefully last) journey by trailer. He had Aunt Agatha for company, but even so, he was fretful and suspicious. Neither did he like being transferred into the stock box to be tractored to his new home. He made a raft of new noises that weren't encouraging. But two days later he is trotting up to me to be fed, ignores the excited wooflings of the dogs (they love pigs, those two), and snoozes deep in his straw-filled ark, with the mere tip of snout protruding. He will have a few months yet before his services are required - both sows are up the duff, Aunt Dahlia due in just a few weeks - and he has a lot of growing to do. But now we have a family group, are no longer reliant on bottles of spunk ( I know, I know, the pros call it semen), and I don't have to get intimate with the sows every six months.
And why Bingo Little (aka Bingo)? He's the Wodehouse character who falls for every woman he meets. Bodes well.
A truly handsom looking fellow. Glad he is settling in.
Ah-ha so there's himself....Bingo Little! And a fine figure of a piggy chap he is too.
I hope his name is exemplary in the boding-well stakes.....
Are you sure that that was his snout sticking out of the ark?...Poor old Bingo Little (related to Stuart Little?) - it's a hard job but somebody's got to make bacon!
Thank you Lindsay - he is quite a sweetie.
LocksPark - time will tell, but he has the physical wherewithall even at his tender age.
YP - you need some biology lessions - the other extremity is shaped like a corkscrew. Absolutely NO room for confusion with the snout end.
He looks very perky
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