These beauties grew from suckers taken last winter from our neighbour's canes and have grown from a few inches to towering plants of five foot. The book says I have to cut them down to ground level in February, and having proof that they really do grow like topsy in one year, I will not be too nervous of wielding the secateurs.
I appreciate that having berries posed on the ends of my pale fingers, assuming the likeness of fly agaric toadstools may put some off the fruit, but it minimises the need for spoons, and I'm not fussy.
Wow! Raspberries in October!
Lucky you. I enjoyed summer raspberries with porridge for breakfast in Scotland
I saw some raspberries and strawberries in our farmers market yesterday from a farm in Penzance. I love both but particularly raspberries - and they freeze really well if I manage not to eat them first!
Have you enough for making jam?
Sally - they are meant to be here in autumn, but yes, wow!
WW - that sound much better than the salted version.
I haven't tried freezing them - will see if there are enough at one picking to justify that instead of wolfing them down.
Eurowoof - I hadn't thought of that (perhaps I was all blackberried out) but yes, that is a VERY good idea.
Somehow the flavour of a raspberry just encapsulates summertime for me, which is why I particularly like having a few cartons in the freezer, so in the dead of winter I can thaw them out and just wolf them down, imagination in overdrive!
GIANT raspeberries!
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