Monday 18 February 2008

The boy's so good...'s enough to put you into a permanent slump. It isn't that the plot is so magnificent or that the characters are particularly original, it's that the writing is just so damn good.
Andrew O'Hagan had me on page one - truly gripped and completely relaxed in the knowledge that I was in the hands of a master for 278 pages of brilliant prose. Whether it was the "smirr of rain", "the lipstick smile" or the "windows the size of bibles" I groaned with appreciation of the originality yet appropriateness of the phrases.
There are life changing experiences for various characters. When the housekeeper finds an ancient note tucked deep under the mattress by her husband telling her "I DON'T LOVE YOU ANY MORE", I found myself startled on her behalf, not by the fact of the lovelessness but by the bitterness that must have led him to put the note there in the first place. To imagine finding such a note is to wish yourself permanent despair.
The priest tells of his school's tradition of pupils and staff wending their way to the annual picnic at Gormire Lake by any means of transport possible, and how he made his journey by elephant accompanied by cheers, and in so doing realised that imaginative impulses can be made real.
And then there are the comments leisurely chucked into the brew, that speak with painful honesty and admit to singular snobbery, such as the advertising hoardings speaking "of other people's choices" - don't they just?
Even a blogger wants to shape words in a way that creates interest, and Be Near Me is surely a prime example of the good stuff.


Pig in the Kitchen said...

oooo, I feel a trip to Amazon coming on! Thanks for the review

mountainear said...

Thanks from me too - Mrs Gaskell and I are about to part company (thank goodness) and I need to move on.

KAZ said...

And me - the last three books I started to read had to be abandoned at about page 21.

Anonymous said...

You've sold it...already ordered it and waiting in anticipation!

The only thing I brought back from being away (apart from chocolate) was a suitcase full of books from being stranded in NY airport. Fabulous fiction/fact we never see here and an added bonus is the feel of the books - they are deliciously different - layout, paper, print. 100% 'oooh' factor.

Mopsa said...

And now you'll all hate it and I will hang my head in shame!

Hannah Velten said...

I've gone and bought it - will report seem to read voraciously, and we've read many of the same books, so hopefully it will carry me through until Spring has well and truly sprung...

Hannah Velten said...

Excellent recommendation, Mopsa! I was gripped by the book too. And when Mr Poole said his last 'goodbyes' to his wife I was in tears (that rarely happens)...the inability to take back time and repair relationships - perhaps a lesson in there for everyone!

Mopsa said...

Hannah - so pleased you enjoyed it - you take a lot on trust, reading other people's book recommendations!