They are arriving thick and fast now, squirting out triplets and doubles and the odd single.
The larger of the triplets in each case are being fostered onto mums with just one of their own, a process that is anything but failsafe, but less risky than buying shares in a bank.
I keep trying to take a decent photo of the gorgeous Torwen lambs to post up here, but they are so frisky they all come out with the shakes. OK, back to the grindstone!
"Squirting out" babies. How come humans seem to need an army of medics and midwives and various instruments and instruction manuals? It would surely be better for heavily pregnant women to simply lie down in a field and squirt...."Ah that's better now lets get back to grass munching..."
She looks like she'd welcome an epidural when the time comes!
I was chatting over the garden fence to our local farmer yesterday and she was telling me that her oldest ewe "Ratty" had just delivered four lambs (one dead). Poor Ratty is now seven years old and has never produced less than triplets each year. Apparently named Ratty because she has a very ragged coat. At the moment she is being given tender loving care as she is a bit run down after the birth!
YP - I am the medic, midwife etc and have all kinds of kit just in case...including the long orange plastic gloves, a nice loose fit under the armpit.
SS - I don't ask, so they don't get...
Lindsay - every farmer has a Ratty!
Glad they're squirting - cows could do with a bit more concerted squirting here. Batches of three, then nothing, batches of three, then nothing, batches of...oh, you get the picture!
Paula - there will be a gap - there always is...and it can go on for week! I'm not counting my squirting lambkins yet!
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